If you change the future, you change the past
Добавлю сюда, чтобы потом не потерять

Paddra Nsu-Yeul (Yeul) | 18 | Human | Priestess | Open

Yeul has a round face with green eyes and long, silver hair that is sometimes kept up, except for two long strands that frame her face. She has a lean, petite frame and wears a unique headdress with a semi-transparent veil that partially hides her face, though she can modify the headdress to remove the veil and let the rest of her hair down. She is Caius Ballad’s traveling companion and a seeress hailing from the city-state of Paddra in the Yaschas Massif on Gran Pulse during the War on Transgression. Surrounded by mystery, Yeul has important connections to Caius, Serah, and the numerous paradoxes occurring in the world.

Her full name stands for “Yeul of the Nsu clan, from the city of Paddra”.

OOC: This RPG is completely AU, whoever Yeul ends up with, is up to the player.

@темы: FF